fnctId=profl,fnctNo=102 게시물 검색 NAME POSITION TEL EMAIL RESEARCH FIELD OFFICE 인물소개 리스트 Hwan Jin Jeon POSITION Associate Professor / Department Chair TEL +82-31-8041-0626 EMAIL hjjeon@tukorea.ac.kr RESEARCH FIELD Conductive film with nanostructures Next generation lithography process for semiconductor/electronic devices Transparent flexible electrode Optical film based on micro/nano structures OFFICE Rm 313, Building D KangMoon Lee POSITION Professor TEL +82-31-8041-0617 EMAIL leekm@tukorea.ac.kr RESEARCH FIELD Gene Cloning and e-x-p-r-e-s-s-i-o-n of Protein Molecular Diagnostics Biopharmaceutical Development Project Management OFFICE Rm 315, Building D Seung Joon Park POSITION Professor TEL +82-31-8041-0618 EMAIL sjpark@tukorea.ac.kr RESEARCH FIELD Polymer Rheology and Processing Biodegradable Polymer and Composite Pressure Sensitive Adhesive for Display / Electronic Materials OFFICE Rm 312, Building D Heung Seop Shin POSITION Professor TEL +82-31-8041-0619 EMAIL hshin@tukorea.ac.kr RESEARCH FIELD OFFICE Rm 411, Building D Young-Sang Cho POSITION Professor TEL +82-31-8041-0612 EMAIL yscho78@tukorea.ac.kr RESEARCH FIELD Colloidal dispersion Porous materials Catalytic materials Modeling and simulation of biochemical reactors OFFICE Rm 304, Building D Yong Tae Kim POSITION Associate Professor TEL +82-31-8041-0611 EMAIL ytkim@tukorea.ac.kr RESEARCH FIELD Lab-on-a-chip, Microfluidic devices, 3D-printing based microchip, Integrated genetic analysis microsystem OFFICE Rm 307, Building D Young-Hee Shin POSITION Assistant Professor TEL +82-31-8041-0616 EMAIL yshin@tukorea.ac.kr RESEARCH FIELD Chemical Biology, Peptide Science OFFICE Rm 306, Building D Yoo Seok Lee POSITION Assistant Professor TEL +82-31-8041-0614 EMAIL y.lee@tukorea.ac.kr RESEARCH FIELD Bioelectrocatalytic system Biosensor Microbial fuel cell OFFICE Rm 404, Building D Kyeongjun Seo POSITION Assistant Professor TEL +82-31-8041-0615 EMAIL k.seo@tukorea.ac.kr RESEARCH FIELD Modeling, simulation, optimization and control of process and energy systems (carbon capture, clean hydrogen, biorefinery) OFFICE Rm 305, Building D You Dong Gil POSITION Assistant Professor TEL +82-31-8041-0613 EMAIL dgyou@tukorea.ac.kr RESEARCH FIELD Drug Delivery System Nano/Biomedicine Liquid Biopsy OFFICE Rm 404, Building D